Bounce Personal Training Studio

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Transforming from atrophy to complete mobility

Gerald needed an effective training plan to recover from an injury and urgent surgery on his spine.

“After many years of sporting activities, I sustained an injury that shut down my involvement in sports and lead to months of acute pain as I tried conventional physiotherapy with little success.

Finally I was diagnosed as needing urgent surgery on my spine which was followed by a long recovery period. I became far too inactive with the result that muscles atrophied and strength declined. Since that time I have used the services of four or five personal trainers who helped, but slowly. I finally happened upon Anna David and she is, without question, the best and most effective trainer I have dealt with.”

Together, Anna David and I, created a plan to regain mobility, build core strength and get me to my limits.

“We focus on core strengthening and general flexibility. She has a pleasant and affable personality that makes her easy to work with and to respond to. She has a multiplicity of skills that allows her to offer variety and to gently add more challenging exercises without needless exhortation, relying instead on observation and encouragement. I have noted that she watches carefully and gets you to your limits, which of course thereby expand, without old fashioned urging and barking. This in turn leads to sustained improvement.”

Working together provided the variety and challenge I needed that lead to sustained improvement.

“As a result after a year working with her, I can happily report improved posture, greater flexibility and mobility and greater range of movement in my joints. In addition my abdominals are stronger and my stomach is flatter, which makes her popular with the tailor who alters my clothes!”

“I am personally grateful to her and commend her to any prospective clients. She is easy to work with and technically excellent.”


  • Improved core strength and posture;

  • Greater flexibility and mobility;

  • Greater range of movement in my joints;

  • Stronger abdominals and flatter stomach;

  • A variety of exercises that are challenging and provide sustained improvement.

-Gerald R Hooper